lundi 24 juin 2013

What are the causes of obesity in children?

Has become fatness (obesity) of the most prominent problems of children in the present time, it has increased
warnings about obesity, which may be seen by many as something simple, but it is one of the serious diseases.

What is obesity?

Obesity is increasing the proportion of total body fat compared to other tissues, which cause increased body weight, thereby increasing body mass. The baby fat is has been an increase in the stored fatty layer under the skin, and increased the weight of more than 20% of normal weight children in the same age and height.

Causes of obesity in children

There are many factors that contribute to a child obesity, which are as follows:

- Genetic factors:
May be the primary reason for the emergence of obesity is genetic reasons, there are certain genes control the greasiness percentage of in a certain place of the body, the whole body may be. Show signs of obesity is clearly the beginning of puberty.

- Psychological factors:
Due to obesity is often the reason for myself in the vicinity of the child from the family or school, especially when they are free of any tests hormonal imbalance. There are some children with depression overindulge in eating sweets in aid for themselves out of frustration or depression.

- Social factors:

The social factors of the leading causes of obesity, and these factors can be summarized in:

A. Lack of movement and lack of exercise

B. A few hours of sleep

C. Wrong food habits, which is the excessive intake of sweets and sugars and fats, and reward the mother of the children by giving them candy

D. Spend long hours in the sitting position in front of the television or computer games or

E. Artificial feeding and give the baby food is milk in infancy

And. Lack of parental attention to the quality of the food they provide for children

- Satisfactorily factors:
The child may become one of the diseases that limit the movement for a long time; leading to the injury of child obesity, and examples of endocrine diseases and diseases of the brain, and frequent arthritis and fractures. In addition, there are some medications that have side effects appetite abnormally.

dimanche 23 juin 2013

10 Tips wrong about Splenda

1 - Eating late than weight: it's the favorite theory of diet books, but scientists assert lack of authenticity. The
theory says that after five in the evening eat his body converts calories to obesity because the body system work restless at night does not burn calories through it. Doctors reject this theory specialists because it is based on in-depth research, but the human body system does not work that way, where research confirms that the important thing is not the time where one who eats but total calorie intake in the whole day is affecting.

2 - obesity, excess comes from a slow metabolism. This theory is just a myth, says one of the doctors who specialize in obesity. In fact, the opposite is correct, Valvhossat in laboratories across the world show that obese people spend energy and a system high  more from people Alnahilan.

3 - diet fit all people, but I am: With the large number of stories published by the diets slimming industry might believe that diets work with the majority of people, while the reality is quite different. Although the woman out of every five women are subject to a diet show that all of them Sakhvguen in the end.

4 - all the calories in foods Neutral: This is not true because calorie fatty Taatkhozn in the body more than the other and lead to obesity.

5 - can reduce obesity in some areas of the body: Some diets refers to the possibility of removal of obesity in the areas of the abdomen, buttocks and hips. Whatever diet followed  the weight always allow a similar pattern.

6 - Installation of food reduces obesity: This myth also also asserts specialists, there is no scientific evidence that the separation of carbohydrates (sugar and starch), for example, protein leads to a reduction of obesity, human The body naturally provider's ability to cope with all kinds of foods. If a person has some weight for adoption diet food installation reason due to the reduction of the amount of food and the adoption of better quality.

7 - Adoption of Yoyo Dieting fast diets damage your metabolism: Although the studies did not confirm this theory in circulation, scientists and doctors prefer to adopt one diet to lose weight because weight loss is slow quickly have a negative impact on his psyche and his overall health.

8 - Cosmetics help in weight loss: You may feel that you lost weight after using marketable products, but what really lost is water. And the best in this case practicing the sport to flatten the muscles.

9 - increase cellulite and toxins detox can remove: beautiful theory not Nbarhenha any study, nothing confirms that stop smoking and drinking tea and coffee removes cellulite. The truth is that the phrase (cellulite) do not have any medical definition, and most specialists confirms that they are just simply fat and hip women more than men gallery to store fat under the skin.

10 - one has to weigh the same as when subject to Diet: Get rid of the balance when you follow a diet! This is what is recommended by doctors is of no benefit at all when holidaying rights to access to a healthy weight. In contrast, sports coach can that measures the percentage of fat in the body. It should be noted that it is subject to the mathematical exercises will increase the structure of muscles and this means an increase in weight also, but the body will look thinner and prettier and more consistent. Rather than use the balance can rely on such evidence measure clothing and measurements of the waist and hips to see how much progress

Eat almonds helps thinnest body

Eat almonds helps thinnest body:

Revealed new studies that eating almonds leads to a decline overweight by a large margin and confirmed these studies is shown by previous research that almonds reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and helps reduce the risk of heart disease and protect cells from damage. Comes this study, unlike the belief that nuts all help obesity and disease ... blood rise, noting that the almond kernels do not spoil even if TeX ... garnish for decades, if not taken away the external shell.

A study conducted at King's College British Medical that the walls of the cells in the fruits of almonds may play a role in the body's absorption of fat in them When eating almonds is not absorbed into the body all the fat in it, do not enter the digestive process and put out, which makes almond healthy food few calories. Believes Researchers that eating a handful of almonds The equivalent of one ounce a day as part of a healthy diet. Helps reduce the risk of cardiac injury. Another study confirmed from the University of California that the antioxidants in almond skins as well as its natural content of vitamin e have a positive impact on public health, especially when eating fruits Bakchorha
And uses almonds medical benefits:
- Feeds the various layers of the skin and smoothes dry skin, removes the induction of skin corrosion, addresses many of the diseases of the skin, chapped and blotting hands and feet.
- Burns addresses of the first degree.
- Use almond milk (Luz powder, sugar, water), diseases of the chest and a chronic cough and asthma.
- Almond milk treated gastrointestinal irritation via deposition almond powder over the areas irritants, prevents friction food and waste.
- Addresses the diseases of the urinary tract, heartbreaking gravel and sand. Struggling kidney infections.
- Especially minerals (phosphorus), and unsaturated acid oils calms nerves, and stimulate the brain and its functions, and prevent blotting disease and obstructive and strokes (strokes), and Parkinson Albarkinsona.
- Activates the sexual energy, and increases the sperm count sperm (struggling infertility).
- Handles neurological diseases and aches.
- Prevents anemia by vehicle b vitamins, iron and minerals.
- Toasted almonds and add to coffee,  the percentage of caffeine, and can be used as a holistic alternative to milk and coffee. Struggling intestinal worms.
- Peel boiled almonds struggling colds and infections of the throat and cough.
- A recent study indicates inhibitor almond oil for heart disease.
- Studies indicate that if used almond oil instead of fat lowers blood cholesterol levels, and the effect is stronger than olive oil.
- Prevents spasm muscles and Irkhiha, and is used in the treatment of paragraphs, almond types of intervention in the manufacture of some medicines used in the treatment of muscle spasm such as Cyrenaica, and treatment of diseases of the vertebrae.
- Almonds with water locally and across the mouth relieves allergies, especially urticaria.
- Almond struggling headache topically and through the mouth.
- Almond strengthens the sight, and lack of consideration and prevents night blindness, via a vitamin that contains it.

How to be a diet

How to be a diet:
When we diet, we should refrain from foods that cause obesity and above - not that the quorum of famine
unnecessary - so it must contain our food vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, various, also plant proteins including (legumes) and animal (meat) without frying, of course, to get rid of natural fat in the meat should cook meat or Xue, and we must not forget the great elixir of life ..... Milk
To get rid of the high acidity of the stomach and pains when they are free, we can eat any amount of authorities for the purpose of filling the stomach without fear of weight gain or obesity because it is low-calorie, either make a table about what is eaten on the first day and then the second ... Etc., this is nonsense devoid of Health

What should not be the diet:
As I mentioned earlier, that the diet is not making body in the state of hunger is not justified because the body in this case, the consumption of the same, ie consumption Alerotbn found in muscle, for example to meet its need, which leads to weakness and weakness and slenderness, headaches and even fainting due to lack of sugar (glucose), which works the human brain and consumes one-third of parents of glucose in our food. So it must be diet food Mntnoah the Chty body gets the necessary vitamins.
The diet is the process of changing the "quality" of life to the better condition, ie, that change lifestyle and habits of eating foods many calories unhealthy to accustom ourselves to eat foods with nutritional value and healthy addition of course to the sport all over the human health Kambassrat tourism, hiking and companionship good, of course.

samedi 22 juin 2013

Treatment for obesity 100% Excellent

Obesity (overweight): is the increase in the stock of body fat a person is infected with obese if his weight (20
30%) more than the weight that must be it taking into account the age, height and sex.

There are many factors that lead to obesity and these factors:

First: genetic and environmental factors: scientific studies have proven the importance of genetic factors in the emergence of obesity. Scientists have managed to discover a gene called obesity gene or (ob.gene) of this gene produces a protein called (Leptin) that people with obesity have as an increase in the protein that is secreted by fat cells and fat stores and adjusts it to control the operations of hunger and satiety.

Second: food factors that physical level of the family, as well as provide special snacks and sweets may affect the method of taking food. There are some people eat larger quantities during sports training violent as well as women during pregnancy and then find these difficult to reduce from taking food after that and this leads to positive for obesity has been found that people with obesity eat more than they need with the passage of years, the increase small daily fat lead to the deposition of large amounts of fat and this leads to the emergence of obesity.

Third: in appetite control: appetite is the desire to eat it that lead to eating and after eating satiety happens. And satiety process depends on the fullness of the stomach and duodenum, Amtdadahma and also depends on the secretion of some hormones such as (Somatostartin) of the small intestine and insulin from the pancreas of all these hormones involved in regulating satiety in humans.

Fourth: power consumption: the reduction of exercise leads to a reduction of energy consumption and this leads to the deposition of more amounts of fat in the body and then the emergence of obesity

But how do we know that this person is overweight (obesity) first? There is a simple mathematical equation

Weight (kg) / height (m) 2

If the output of more than 25, it means that this person has an increase in weight and the more this class increased weight gain. If the output is less than 20, it means that a person has a decrease in weight. However, if the output (25 to 20), it means that the weight in the normal level that must be it.

That obesity or help lead to the emergence of many diseases including: diabetes .. Diseases of the heart arteries .. Stroke .. High blood pressure .. Inflammatory diseases knee .. Back pain .. Shortness of breath .. Disturbances in the menstrual cycle in women .. Mental illnesses as a result of weight gain.

In people with obesity may spread fat all over the body or may be concentrated more in the central region of the body ie the waist People who are fat have more in this region suffer from central obesity and this is the most dangerous disease linked to more and more dangerous.

Therefore should not be more than waist / hip circumference and one in men and no more than 0.9 in women.

The prevention of obesity is very important before treatment and must be the first goal because most obese people face great difficulty in maintaining their weight decrease, there are two ways to lose weight and these methods are linked with each other.

First: the control of food and this so-called diet or (Splenda) that the goal of any diet process is the loss of about kg per week.

It must be this process for a long time even lose man a large amount of fat to lose weight initially be faster because of the crash proteins and stores glucose with the loss of water, but after about 4 weeks, the weight loss is very slow due to the crash of fat without losing water. It must be recalled here that there must be food containing appropriate amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as all the important elements of the human being.

Second aerobics that the increase in exercise leads to an increase in energy consumption and this leads to weight loss and the importance of regular exercise they also lead to improvements in public health and help a person to control his food.

Some people with very obese and who may have fatal obesity and served them sport or diet may resort to some surgical procedures to lose weight and some of these processes have serious repercussions on the rights.

Finally, and generally advised not to use any drugs to lose weight because these drugs from the harmful effects on human health

New Secret to fight obesity fitter

This method is proven and many

It is way old, not new

It is a purely natural

And not expensive at all

However regularity

You will lose 2 to 3 kg per week

The results will start to use in flowers on the body after 10 days of use

This drink helps to loss of appetite and burn fat and enchanting effect

And will begin to sense the result of the first day of the use of

Please use the green tea with him every day at least once morning after drinking this combination




To fight obesity and soak a few (cumin rods) in a cup of boiling water with a lemon cut rings and leave overnight and then drink the water (the temperature is, of course, will be cool in the morning) on an empty stomach


Another way Tested and recommended by many doctors

Diet for boiling grape leaves 3 times a day


Juice is useful and helps to slimming

Pineapple juice has a great ability to break up
Grease so it is very useful for people with excessive obesity, but without the addition of sugar and juice is recommended on an empty stomach

The correct times for exercise

The correct times for exercise

But Namara Sport incorrect At the time of true

Evening is the best time to exercise appropriate .. This has been demonstrated in the new medical study presented at the annual meeting of the American Endocrine Society.

The correct times for exercise
Dr Orfe Paxton, from the University of Chicago, the U.S. can exercise in the evening and night increase levels of hormones necessary for metabolic processes and metabolism in the body, and the effects of the sport confirms that some times of the day are better than others for performance sports regularly, adding that the sleep patterns determined by the internal clock of the body for 24 hours, may play an important role in the complex response of the sport.
The correct times for exercise
The researchers found these results after studying 40 men intact, aged 20-30 years, were divided into five groups, so that the participants into four groups, including workout strong on the stairs for a period of one hour in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening and at night, while people have left in the fifth set in any sporting activity, and then asked them to undergo comfortable with receiving glucose solution without that they take no exercise to maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood.
The correct times for exercise, the researchers note after measuring the levels of growth hormone, glucose and the stress hormone cortisol, and Thaerottroben, which regulates the thyroid gland, and the two play a key role in the processes also power, as well as determine the time of the secretion of melatonin to detect the pattern daily or time Alsircadah person, that Sports Night caused a decrease dramatically in the levels of glucose, while the impact is less in today's times other, and produced increases higher in the hormone cortisol, which is during the day, in the mornings and afternoons, as were increases in Thaerottroben Top also with the sport in the evenings and at night , but the level of growth hormone that increases in response to the sport, no different to other times of the day.

However, researchers believe that sports night may cause anxiety and sleep deprivation, so be a sport at the time of the evening much better of them during the night.

Abdominal obesity

Men's health problems and infertility for women

Although more fat accumulates on the buttocks and thighs, but studies suggest that the accumulated fat on the abdomen is the most dangerous, where lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, and insulin resistance syndrome, heart disease, and that scientists believe that increased waist width can be to be a key indicator of the presence of underlying health problems.

Studies show that inflammation gallstones frequently in obese people, especially women with recurrent pregnancy, and when people living with "potbelly" due to the increase of estrogen, the hormone that helps to increase the cholesterol in blood, leading to deposition on the wall of gallbladder, causing it inflammation and the formation of gallstones.

In individuals with "rumen" accumulate fat on the rib cage and under the veil of the barrier, and hinder the movement of the lungs dilate, also reduces the movement of the diaphragm are considerably less amount of air they receive ..

Some research has shown that there is a relationship between obesity, especially abdominal obesity "potbelly" and infertility in women, it has been found that there is an increase in the accumulation of fat around the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which affects the process of ovulation and reproduction.

Know and know the reason

The problem of fat to accumulate around the stomach or rumen, they are due either to genetic reasons or malfunction of an organic or erratic behavior, and we will begin those practices that lead to swelling of the stomach and visibility, including:

1 - excessive intake of food rich in fat and calories.
Diseases of the colon and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
2 - swallow air while eating as a result of eating quickly
3 - smoking kinds.
4 - eating a hearty meal of the day.
5 - sleep after eating.
6 - excessive intake of pulses that cause bloating.
7 - Do not exercise on a regular basis.
8 - laziness, lethargy and lack of exercise and sleep, especially after meals, especially dinner.
9 - Failure to follow healthy eating diets during pregnancy.

It is known that the proportion of fat in a woman's body is twice the fat found in the body of the man, and this fat is causing the rumen where composed near the liver and digestive system and spread in the veins of the abdomen because of the effect the hormone insulin فتزيد sugar in the blood and turn into fats and especially with the increasing habits wrong in eating and التهادي the sweets and chocolate note that whenever posh kind whenever more calories.

Types of abdominal obesity

Abdominal obesity is divided into four types:

The first type: muscular rumen:

The problem occurs in the muscles of the abdomen, which consists result of imbalance in the use of the owner for using his motor was used, for example muscles shoulders and arms only during the work and does not move his waist while sitting on the desk all day or in front of the steering wheel in this type occurs extended to the abdominal muscles and increases its size and balls.

The second type: saggy rumen:

It occurs as a result use musculorum only in the middle of the abdomen The result is sagging and the emergence of the rumen, and this type also occur as a result processes surgeries in the abdominal area, such as hernia surgery that lead to sagging abdomen and relaxes muscles and her laziness and complacency and thus expands the size فتزداد human need for food and drink heavily Vtaatersb fat and obesity occurs leading to the emergence of the rumen with a flabby folds of the skin in the form of layers in some cases.

The third type: rumen bloated:

A paunch like a balloon, and occurs as a result of rights in profusion eat, drink heavily, and plus the need for the body,
This excessive eating occurs as a result a person with depression, anxiety or nervous tension finds rights in eating greedily outlet and try to get out of these concerns that caused him to this stress and anxiety, may also occur for a person optimistic happy result opens his appetite after unloading of his emotions and emotions so they also dealing with large quantities of food and drink until his obesity occurs and thus shows the rumen.

Type IV: rumen hormone:

It is noted that the form of this rumen be winding and looks like orange peel, and occurs when disturbed the action of hormones in the human body
And increases the secretion of cortisone  the distribution gland above the kidney fat areas and different parts of the body which leads to increased fat in the abdominal area only when the men, while for women the often accumulate fat in the lower part of the abdomen
And coupled with obesity in the thighs and buttocks and take these irregular forms of obesity in these portions.

Lies ... said it will save you from the rumen

= Sauna and steam baths save you from the rumen within hours

Not to the sauna or steam baths active role in the treatment of rumen or slimming, and what happens that chubby infected person Erh lose kilo E.
Li two body fluids through sweat and fat is not lost, once the end of this bathroom, accept to drink water frequently to make up for lost body of water Vistaid and original weight again. These baths may lead to some complications, such as kidney Bhsaat or coronary artery clots.

= Massage and massage process melts the fat rumen

Massage or massage process that destroys the paunch masseur himself, is the one who is making an effort, but you do not lose any gram of fat Girishk you do not make any movement or effort in the process of massage.

= Use the belt or belt vibrators rid of belly fat rumen

Many advertising belts for belly invitation it melts the fat, and it reduces the rumen is clearly within days, and all this has no scientific basis, and most experts slimming warn against the use of these belts in the process LOSS rumen, and they see big lie, and assert that it is not for these belts have any effect in get rid of the rumen, but this proved to be belts side effects on the respiratory and digestive system may lead eventually to muscle atrophy.

= Drink water before going to sleep leads to rumen
Water does not have any value price calories, and eating any quantity does not lead to the emergence of the rumen, either on an empty stomach or before going to sleep, but on the contrary Too much water before meals reduces appetite to eat and reduces the amount of food intake helps to get rid of the rumen.

= Use of laxatives and paraffin oil can save you from obesity rumen

Not these drugs  or paraffin oil any role in getting rid of obesity or of the rumen, and what do these drugs because they cause diarrhea, therefore, lose body large part of the water and important nutrients, which reduces the weight of the body, believed the person that the weight has decreased, but it has a false weight and quickly back to the original weight once you drink the water. Indeed, the these laxatives much of complications they lose body fluids, leading eventually to the drought, leading to malabsorption.

= Use a special soap to treat the rumen and obesity
Myth .. All that does this soap that while showering the body loses large quantities of water فيخف weight temporarily, but soon a person feels thirsty  large amounts of water goes back the weight of the new increase, and I have warned many specialists from the use of this soap especially for people with heart disease and circulatory

To get rid of abdominal obesity

The best and simplest ways to get rid of the rumen are:

First: you must pollutants on the performance of prayer, where a person can burn 580 calories at least, God Almighty and the Holy Prophet peace be upon him not only orders and commands us the benefit of human beings from the spiritual and health

Second: immediately begin to change and replace bad eating habits habits of new sound and correct based on the integration of the pillars of basic food, which is building the human body, such as sugars, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as the intake of fat and not preventable and eating dietary fiber by at least 40-60% of the meal.

Third: Be careful and make sure to:

1 - eat "grapefruit" before eating reduces the sense of hunger.

2 - Start your food with green authorities of vinegar added to give you a sense of satiety for a long time.

3 - Be sure to eat foods rich in fiber they take longer to chew which reduces the sense of hunger and reduce the incidence of constipation.

4 - Reduce the amount of salt in food because the abundance prevents put excess fluid in the body which increases the circumference of your waist, knowing that the body of salt does not need more than one teaspoon per day, "4 grams".

5 - eating yogurt 3 times a week to achieve good results and contribute to the easing "potbelly" because it contains bacteria "Allambrobasils Cidovals" that lead to ferment milk, also contains the enzyme "lactase" digester sugar "lactose" button in the milk, which is the enzyme that lose 85% of the mature, especially in the Arab and African peoples, and deficiency causes poor digestion and intestinal disorders and bloating.
The study also pointed out that yogurt increases Kdrhalgesm to burn excess fat, making it lose the fat and keeps muscles.

Of the most popular diet programs to remove abdominal obesity
2 fruit fruit variety (except figs, grapes, dates, bananas, mangoes) and preferably a glass of orange juice or grapefruit + liquids: tea, or coffee, or soda, or lemon water without sugar.
- Dish authority _khasra.
- 4 tablespoons boiled vegetables.
- Grilled steak or a quarter of a boiled chicken or grilled fish 2 or can of tuna "without oil."
- Option yogurt, or 3 tablespoons lemon bean, or a hard-boiled egg, or a piece of cheese with tomatoes.
- With a slice of toast or a quarter of a loaf.

Fourth: Drink three cups of water before meals, it fills the stomach and reduces eat, and has no calories. And do not drink cold liquids with or immediately after eating

Fifth: It is recommended to wear a belt around the abdomen to reduce the size of the stomach (repackaging from the outside rather than the process of repackaging the stomach) and the exercise of a tummy tuck and exercises to strengthen the back as well as attention to flatten the body and maintaining the form of textures.

Sixth: eat slowly for more than twenty minutes, Vschar the satiety quickly without that fills your stomach a lot of food because fast food fills the stomach a lot of food before the sense of satiety.

Seventh: you must comply with exercising, it is possible that the abdominal muscles are weak and need to be strengthened. And in this regard can use household devices, where making a huge result. In addition to walking, where walking every 10 kilometers helps to burn 800 calories, it is through sport can spend on rumen final.

And our return again!!!

Foods that help fight obesity

A lot of people suffering from obesity and the consequent of many diseases, so give us d. Ahmed Mukhtar
Professor of obesity and thinness, some foods that contribute greatly to the fight against obesity and fat, but this does not prevent the exercise and proper diet.

Cinnamon is one of the herbs that have an impact on the levels of sugar in the blood and thus the possibility of reducing appetite, and the little ones can be added to coffee, tea, yogurt or boiled skim milk
The green tea helps to stimulate the burning of abdominal fat, in order to contain on called Ketakin the material, a chemical plant affecting the metabolism of which is the ability of the body to use energy conversion and to take advantage of this effect must drink several times a day.

Fruit and grapefruit contain natural fibers which gives the body a feeling of satiety and fullness.

And vegetables that contribute to reduce appetite green chili pepper, which contains substance called Alcabcisan, This article is based a sense of satiety, and increase the speed of metabolism, but for a short period.

It contains pears and apples on large amounts of water, but preferably addressed Foreign crust to contain fiber which a person feels full for a long time, and that eating fruit is better than drinking juice because chewed requires some effort, which helps to burn a few calories.

Melon and fruit also of fruits that give a sense of satiety to contain large amounts of fluids as they contain antioxidants and vitamins A and C.

The intention vegetables and useful light such as carrots, lettuce, cucumber, watercress, plus they contain few calories, too contain water and fiber, which reduces the feeling of hunger.

The hard-boiled eggs is one of the most foods that help the body to burn fat, which contains only 75 calories price, and one egg contains 7 grams of high quality protein.

Fish is one of the best sources of protein that contain a small percentage of fat or beneficial to the body fats such as omega-3, which have properties protect against heart disease.

And there are many other foods help burn fat and give the body a sense of satiety, such as low-fat yogurt and oatmeal and tabbouleh salad to contain bug bulgur rich in fiber and vinegar, apples and nuts.

View the original content on the portal Electronic dawn - the best foods to fight obesity and fat.

Eating right for the owners of obesity according to blood type

Foods that help you lose weight by blood type .. Blood groups and $ Splenda

Foods that help you lose weight by blood type .. Blood groups and $ Splenda

Platoon (+ AB):

In meat / allowed .. Lamb and rabbits - the liver and can rely on marine organisms as a source of protein
The forbidden .. Beef, chicken, duck and pork course

In fish / allowed .. Salmon, sardines and tuna, shark, squid and caviar and Alcarril
The forbidden fish, shrimp and octopus , turtles and frogs

For dairy / allowed .. Milk and sheep's cheese, milk and soy cheese, cheddar and cottage cheese
Blocked .. Full-fat milk, butter, milk and blue cheese and American

For bread, pastry and pasta: Valmsmouh .. Bread made from barley, wheat and protein bread made from barley, rice and wheat and also pasta made from barley flour, rice and wheat
Blocked .. Bread made of corn pasta ready Kalandome-and manufacturer of buckwheat

For vegetables / beet Valmsmouh - option - celery - garlic - parsley - cabbage - carrots - onions
Lemme Lemme potatoes
Pumpkin tomatoes, okra olive Retriever spinach
Outlawed and banned green peppers and red different kinds of corn and avocado

For fruit allowed .. Pineapple, lemon plum grape kiwi cherry apple peach dates Kherbz, pear Yousuf
Blocked .. Bananas Nargen, guava, mango, orange pomegranate

Juices / allowed .. Grape juice and carrots cherry - cherry apple pineapple - grapefruit - plum
Blocked .. Orange juice

And for drinks / tea Valmsmouh green ginseng
Blocked .. Red and black tea all soft drinks and soda

Platoon (B +) and (B-)

In meat / Valmsmouh .. Beef, sheep and rabbits Al_husal
Blocked .. Chickens, ducks and geese, heart and pork, of course,

In fish / Valmsmouh .. Thickness mackerel, sardines and salmon shark and Alhabarh
Blocked .. And  Abu shrimp scissors, Zrenbak and the octopus and caviar

Oils and fats / allowed .. Olive oil, whale oil and flax oil
Blocked .. Corn, cotton oil, almond oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil

For nuts, seeds, pulses / Valmsmouh the Brazilian almonds and almond butter Bajali in pulses, beans and peas
Blocked .. Cashews, almonds, sesame, almond butter, sunflower seeds, tahini, and for saying forbidden lentils and beans

For barley, grains and bread / allowed .. Bread made from barley, rice flour and pasta made from semolina and rice and all kinds of rice
Blocked bread made of corn corn flour or whole wheat

And for fruit and vegetables / allowable banana cherry grape pineapples plum apple peach berry dates, figs, grapefruit apricot orange, mango, guava, lemon, pear - beet cabbage carrots, cauliflower, eggplant peppers potatoes, celery, okra, onions, lettuce, squash peas, radishes, dill .. Yasalam Mabaka Shi
Blocked .. Pomegranate Nargen, - corn, tomatoes, avocado, pumpkin

The juices and drinks / allowable herbal green tea and mint, rose leaves and beer and natural fruit juices
Blocked all kinds of diet soda until .. Aahram tormentors in the ground

Spice / allowed (mayonnaise, pickles and fruit jam)
Blocked ketchup and ČÓ

Platoon (A +) and (A-)

For meat / allowable chickens and turkeys and small chicks
Blocked red meat in general liver heart cow rabbits, ducks, geese

The fish / allowable sardines and mackerel, tuna and whale white fish, red and swordfish
Blocked caviar and shrimp and the octopus and oyster shells and

Dairy products and derivatives / allowed .. Dairy products is appropriate and is allowed soy cheese and soy milk
The forbidden .. Must refrain from things manufactured full-fat milk and can be
Use yogurt, soy milk and yogurt - U.S. butter, cheese and milk, butter and cheddar cheese stones and ice cream

Oil and fat / allowable olive oil and flax oil and ČÓ ..
Blocked .. Corn oil, cotton oil, almonds, sunflower and sesame oil

Blocked from nuts and seeds .. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, almonds Bajali, Sudanese almonds and almond butter and almond peel

Bread and pasta / allowable barley and corn bread and pasta ((pasta made from barley and rice flour

And Blocked whole wheat bread and protease bread and moved away from the stomach Pasta sauces and of prohibited pasta made from white flour and full flour and semolina

Vegetables and fruits / allowed (option garlic, carrots, lettuce parsley, pumpkin, spinach turnip yellow onions, okra, green leafy vegetables and broccoli - apples, dates, grapes, kiwi guava Alhbhb, peach, pear strawberries
Blocked (black cabbage, eggplant, black olives and different kinds of peppers, tomatoes and potatoes - banana, mango, orange Yousuf Nargen

Juices and drinks / allowed apple juice pineapple, grapefruit islands apricot lemon cherry plum - herbal tea, green tea and ginger
Blocked orange juice and tomato juice - and normal red tea and coffee all possible banned all soft drinks and soda

Spicy / allowable mustard and black fruit jam molasses - a few pickles
Blocked mayonnaise and ketchup - gelatine thieves - all kinds of vinegar

Meat / allowable beef, rabbits and sheep, Al_husal, chicken, liver, and heart
Blocked ducks and geese

And fish / permitted sharks and blue fish, salmon and sardines, squid and shrimp shells and
Blocked canned and pickled fish, caviar and octopus

Dairy and dairy / permissible butter milk and cheese sheep cheese المازولا and soy milk
Blocked Swiss and American cheese, blue cheese and all kinds of dairy and cheese stones

Nuts and seeds / allowable Bajali sesame seeds, almonds and sunflower seeds
Blocked (cashews, pistachios, almonds and almond butter)

Pulses / allowed beans , the types and peas
Blocked kinds of lentils

Barley, grains and baking / allowable bread factory of wheat and rice bran without
Blocked bread factory of barley and barley is not allowed in this platoon system

Rice and pasta / cedar allowed Pets of all kinds
Blocked banned pasta of all kinds

Vegetables and fruits / permissible vegetables green paper and radish, garlic, okra, onions peas peppers pumpkin sweet potatoes, lettuce and green olives, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, parsley, celery and apple fruit figs grapes, guava, plum
Blocked cabbage regular potatoes, eggplant, cauliflower mushroom black olives) and black berry fruit, orange strawberry Kherbz Nargen Hindol tangerine

Juices and drinks / allowable pineapple juice cherry plum tomato carrots, grapes and peaches and green tea and tea roses, ginger and mint
Blocked (apple juice, cabbage, oranges and black tea, coffee and soda)

Spices allowed (chocolate Altmralhende and caster sugar and mint, clove and mint
Blocked White vinegar, black pepper, cinnamon and vanilla and ketchup and Sherah corn and all the pickles

Blood type determines your food diet based on blood groups

A - Bushra reconcile penis
Department of Pharmaceutics - Faculty of Pharmacy
Science and Medical Studies for Girls
King Saud University

Recently appeared in a new diet method, relies mainly on blood groups .. The system is based on the premise that each blood type, whether (A, B, AB or O), types of foods fits and help you lose weight, as there are a range of foods you should stay away from them to help in weight loss. The effects of this system a lot of hype around it, there are those who asserts that the only system that succeeded in many weight loss and there are those who reject it altogether.

Effectiveness of the system

And brings together people who followed this system it actually helped them to lose weight, and assert that they never feel hungry and it was in their power to eat all they want of food allowed, as well as understanding the affected many  the foods mentioned. The regime's opponents argue their part, that the resulting weight loss due only to decrease the amount of food covered by the individual and that it had nothing to do with the category of blood. It remains that the system apparently harmless if they follow for a week it contains most of the nutrients needed by the body in the day, and in this system depends rate of weight loss over the increasing physical activity beside him, The average weight loss between the kilo to kilo and a half kilogram.

Owners blood type (O) ..

Enjoy the owners of this breed strong digestive device, and a strong immune system, and the metabolic processes (construction and demolition) to have effective, this species is equipped to store food. But they do not bear the environmental changes and emergency food. The medical risks they face he was suffering from blood clotting problems and is characterized by very light-colored blood and infected with diseases such as ulcers, allergies and inflammation, especially arthritis.
Proper diet for this breed:
Animal protein-rich foods and poor by sugars, such as meat, fish, fruits sea, Alkhaddorat and fruits and Istita these get rid of the fatigue and psychological pressure to resort to violent aerobics, jogging and bike riding and all other martial arts Kakaratah and judo.
Best Foods for owners of blood type O.. Current meat, fish, vegetables of all kinds, fruits, and foods that will help them reduce their weight are seafood, liver, red meat, spinach, broccoli, kale, and they should avoid eating beans, milk and wheat during the period of weight loss.
Permitted foods: lamb, beef, veal, chicken, duck, turkey, tuna, milk, wheat, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, onions, red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, Alhelon, all the fruits that have the color red or blue or Violet, apples, figs, bananas, pears, mineral water, mint, green tea
Prohibited foods: smoked fish, white wheat, corn, peanut oil, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, oranges,, coffee, lemonade, tea, orange juice, apples, vinegar, ketchup.
Diseases that may appear: stomach ulcers, thyroid problems, obesity

System owners blood type (O) ..

Soy milk boiled egg + pineapple juice or peach.
Hamburgers piece of beef net with two slices of brown bread + green salad composed of (lettuce, parsley, onion, carrot, cucumber) with olive oil.
Afternoon snack:
Apple fruit.
Grilled fish 2 + segments of lettuce.
Type the appropriate sport:
Jogging and aerobics exercises for an hour a day.

Owners blood type (A) ..

Corresponds to the owners of this breed well with the climatic and environmental changes and emergency food.
And weaknesses of their hand are: a sensitive digestive system. He has a tendency to collect materials in the channels mucous tract. The immune system is weak, and exposed to attack a lot of microns and parasites, and medical risks they face are related illnesses arteries attack (cholesterol) and cancerous diseases, anemia, disorder and functions of the liver and gallbladder, and develop rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes type I any insulin-dependent.

Proper diet for this breed:

Foods rich in sugars and poor in fat, such as vegetables, fish and cereals, legumes and fruits. Appropriate and exercise them is the light Kalostrha sports walking, swimming, yoga and meditation. Be based on fruits and vegetables, with a lot of carbohydrates and reduce the fat and protein due to lack of hydrochloric acid to the owners of this species, which digests the meat of all kinds.

The best foods are:

Vegetables and seafood, cereals, pulses and fruit .. And foods that help to reduce weight is soy, vegetables, pineapple and vegetable oil .. The foods that should be avoided while the system is meat, milk, beans and wheat.

Foods allowed:

Chicken and turkey, salmon and tuna, soy milk, goat cheese, yogurt, rice, barley and oats, bread, vegetables, prunes, raisins, figs, pineapple, olive oil, mineral water, carrot juice, coffee, garlic.

Prohibited foods:

Potatoes, Muflov, Red, mushrooms, bananas, oranges, green tea, pepper General, mayonnaise, vinegar, red meat, shrimp, corn oil, white flour, tomato
Diseases that may appear: heart disease, cancer, anemia, liver and gallbladder disease, diabetes

System owners blood type (A) ..

A glass of water laced with lemon juice + corn flakes with soy milk.
Medium-sized fruit fruit.
Green salad consisting of lettuce, celery, onions, tomatoes and cucumber, plus skim white cheese and mint paper + slice bread.
Or grilled fish 2 or half grilled Farkha + half a loaf of bread with my sliced ​​lettuce.
Omelet consisting of 2 eggs and some mushrooms units + a quarter of a loaf of my own.

Type the appropriate sport:

Swimming, brisk walking and yoga.

Owners blood type (B) ..

Fits the owners of these species easily with dietary changes and environmental They enjoy to your immune strong and there are allergic special medical certain, but tend to be susceptible to some viruses and rare diseases related to autoimmune, and they usually suffer from chronic fatigue and related diseases autoimmune such as ticks (disease tuberculosis skin snotty) and bone sclerosis and type I diabetes.

Proper diet for this breed:

Is this the platoon owners Mtwazno nutrition Fbmekdoarham the meat, fish and dairy products, vegetables, fruits and legumes. They can enjoy a balanced combines sports, violence and lightness, such as mountain climbing, biking, swimming and walking.
Rely on milk and dairy products and a few meat and wheat and chicken suit

The best foods for this category are red meat, milk, cereals, pulses and vegetables, while System Weight Loss they eat eggs, liver, green leafy vegetables, tea, sauces and they avoid chicken, wheat, corn, lentils, peanuts and sesame.
Permitted foods: lamb, rabbit meat, turkey, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, lamb, rice, oats, potatoes, mushrooms, figs, pineapples, dates, grapefruit, green and black tea, parsley, broccoli, butter
Prohibited foods: chicken, duck, yellow cheese, ice cream, white bread, cakes, sunflower oil, corn, sesame, peanuts, tomatoes, lentils, carbonated drinks
Diseases that may appear: diabetes, chronic insomnia, immune system problems, viral infections.

System owners blood type (B) ..

Corn Flakes with soy milk boiled egg + grapefruit juice or green tea.
Spinach salad with tuna and mayonnaise mild fat + half a loaf of my own.
Or 4 pieces of meat or grilled kofta + a quarter of a loaf of my own.
A cup of skim milk.
Green salad dish is medium sized.
Type the appropriate sport:
Biking, jogging, and swimming.

Owners blood type (AB) ..

These species combine A and B include about 5% of the population of the globe. Fits the owners of these species with the conditions of modern life and combine forces and present when factions vessels A and B, and the digestive system to have sensitive and vulnerable, and the immune system met to be affected by all microbes and parasites are exposed to diseases, cancer, and those related artery disease attack (cholesterol) and anemia.

Proper diet for this breed:

A varied diet with Shi of moderation, such as fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy Mtnecat, grains and legumes. Sports suit them light and soothing associated with a moderate activity such as yoga, mountain climbing, cycling and tennis.
Best Foods .. Chicken, seafood, milk, cereals, pulses, vegetables, and fruit .. And foods that help you lose weight is seafood, milk, green vegetables, pineapple, and the foods that should be avoided while the system are:
Red meat, beans, corn, and wheat.
Permitted foods: seafood, milk and dairy products, wheat types, soy food
Exposed her ailments: heart, cancer, anemia, viral infections

System owners blood type (AB) ..

A cup of water with the addition of lemon juice and one + juice ran the grapefruit + (a slice of toast and a little jam Diet) or (skim cheese and toast diet).
Grilled fish + green salad with olive oil + a quarter of a loaf of my own.
Natural fruit juice cup.
Small vegetable dish cooked on steam.
Type the appropriate sport:
Yoga and aerobics.

There are some foods that fit in with all the factions and put some blood within the therapeutic food or beneficial to human body, and these foods (salmon - olive oil - broccoli - prunes - figs - ginger - garlic - parsley - green tea.
Dr advised those of blood type O and A move away from wheat (wheat) and dairy Mtnecat and red beans, potatoes and cashew nuts, citrus and melon green.
As for the Type A blood on them AWAY FROM red chili peppers, bananas and tomatoes.
The owners of the platoon O they must also refrain from eating oats, peanuts and alfalfa.

Finally platoon of B and AB, it is better for them to stay away from eating chicken meat (except turkey) as they refrain from chickpeas, black bean, corn, avocado, cereals, sunflower oil and aloe vera.

Your goal is to fight obesity

Select your goal
The goal is a dream, the goal is what you want to achieve, the goal is the future that draw Hyalk. At least you do not have goals, the goal is all what you wish for yourself, I must find many things seeks to achieve, the only difference lies in the seriousness of purpose and the potential to achieve, there is serious goals and other illogical and difficult to achieve.
There are people who find them want to own everything, they in fact their goals are fictitious, and are not based on need or genuine conviction, but is based on the willingness of childish still Taatarém, هؤلا many, and often find them want to achieve everything, but they do not achieve anything, you may their lives are very good, but they want more, do not look never what they nor Ivkro in investing what they have to achieve their goals, or in fact, their goals are not based on any factual basis, which is why you find them dissatisfied with themselves, because they find it all difficult to achieve. But the fact that they are dreaming of achieving everything and this can not be.
The target must be based on real and has a basis of conviction, a person is ready to achieve and fatigue for him.
There is a wonderful Qawala says:
 Duds is divided into two halves: those who think and act, and those who work and never think.

In order to achieve what you want must be tired for him and trying many times because failure is the beginning of the road to success.


Obesity, is the man who owns the excess fatty tissue and the value of the body mass index (BMI) has over 30. The body mass index (BMI) is an index measures the weight compared with height. May have excess fatty tissue, serious health consequences such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high level of fat in the blood.

That obesity is one of the most common medical conditions in Western society today, and the most difficult in terms of the treatment of obesity and response. No, relatively speaking, achieving little progress in the treatment of obesity (except for a lifestyle change), but has been collecting a lot of information about the medical consequences of obesity case.

Obesity reasons:

Obesity has been until recently linked to a lazy lifestyle (based on seating) and excess consumption of calories continuously. Today, however, well known that these two factors are important for the occurrence of obesity, but there are also different genetic factors play a role in obesity.

As proof, the adoptive children see obesity pattern similar to the pattern that we see with the biological parents, more than that, that we see with their adoptive parents. The research also showed twin, having the effect of genetic factors on body mass index (BMI) greater than the effect of environmental factors on it.

The estimate is that it can be attributed the cause of between 40% - 70% of obesity for different genetic factors, not environmental factors or lifestyle.

The research also showed the mice, the presence of 5 genes linked to appetite, these are the genes that lead to obesity. That these genes are also present in humans. That one of the basic genetic factors in obesity, is a hormone leptin (Leptin).

Believe today, that obesity is a mix of specific genes, not only as a result of a defect in a single gene. The increase in obesity in the past decades, mainly due to the environmental impact, such as lifestyle and dietary habits.
Complications of obesity
Obesity linked to higher rates of mortality and morbidity.

There are a large number of diseases that are more common in people who suffer from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, the high level of fats in the blood, coronary artery disease, and degenerative joint disease and mental disorders - social.

It should be noted, that patients who suffer from obesity, often also suffer from metabolic syndrome (Metabolic syndrome) which includes 3 or more of the following symptoms: The circumference of a big belly, high blood pressure, high level of fats in the blood, and high levels of sugar in the blood During fasting, and low levels of HDL (low levels of good cholesterol).

In addition, there is a link to obesity following diseases: cancer of the bowel, ovarian and breast cancer, the occurrence of emboli (Emboli) and excessive of (Hypercoagulability), Digestive Disease (bag gallbladder disease, heartburn) and various skin disorders.

Be women who suffer from obesity during pregnancy, are more vulnerable to the risk of complications of childbirth and pregnancy.

More obese suffer from lung disease, endocrine disorders (Endocrine disorders) different, such as sleep apnea (Sleep apnea) and in hormone secretion disorders.

Diagnosis of obesity
As mentioned earlier, the knowledge of obesity Cansjh excess fat. Measuring the amount of fat in the body accurately, is complicated and need for a professional evaluation. Although, it can be through a simple physical examination, easily detected the presence of excess fat. Provides us with a body mass index (BMI) is relatively good grade, the amount of fatty tissue (in people who are not with a very large muscle structure, such as professional bodybuilding athletes). BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters.

Denote the values ​​of body mass index (BMI):
18.5-24.9-normal weight.


 30-34.9-obesity class 1.

35-39.9 obesity class 2.
More than 40 means obese.

That obesity upper (central obesity), ie the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal area, and above the waist (abdominal circumference of more than 102 cm in men and above 88 cm in women), are of medical importance is greater than the obesity Lower, any accumulation of excess fat in the buttocks and thighs .

People who suffer from obesity upper, more vulnerable to the risk of developing diabetes, stroke and cardiac artery disease and premature death, the proportion of people with lower obesity.

Treatment of obesity:

Techniques can follow different diets, which leads to weight loss and excess fatty tissue. Studies have shown that only 20% of patients, are able to treat and remove 6 kg of weight, and maintain the new weight for two years.

Help for people with food, for the treatment of obesity is similar to ordinary people:

 - Eating too much unprocessed food that is given in the food system.
 - Reducing the consumption of fat, sugar and alcohol.
  - Eating foods rich in fiber.

There were not, according to research, a great advantage and a healthy way of treating obesity is on its way of other ways to treat obesity.

But there is great importance to educate patients for the treatment of obesity, regarding how to plan early for the daily menu, registration and meals that have been addressed, Education is in the behavioral treatment of obesity is a foundation stone on the way to lose weight the right way.

The exercise is necessary to maintain the weight loss and treatment of obesity in the long term. Physical activity causes an increase in the consumption of calories in the body.

It is important to point out and emphasize, that exercise alone lead to lose a little weight. The main advantage of the exercise, it is because it helps in maintaining weight loss over time. Recommended Today, the exercise of moderate physical activity - strained for an hour a day for the treatment of obesity.

Pharmacological treatment of obesity:

Approved on a very small number of drugs for the treatment of obesity, which need a prescription, which is recommended for weight loss. Drugs are recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment program, not as the only way to lose weight and treatment of obesity.

The medicines that are given today is Rcanutal the (Silbutramine), which studies have shown it leads to loss of 5 kg during 6-12 months, and medicine Alaorlystadt (Orlistat), which leads to a loss of 4 kg within 6-12 months.

It should be noted that there are Pharmaceuticals many side effects: May cause Alrcanutal, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, has cause diarrhea Alaorlystadt and occurrence of various disorders in the digestive tract.

Surgical treatment:

That people who are obese and have a body mass index have more than 40, they can be subject to different surgical procedures in the stomach (shortened balloon, etc.), which leads to weight loss.

But the decline in weight, which is estimated at about 50% of the weight of the patient first, accompanied by serious side effects and complications of the surgery, such as: infection of the peritoneum, the stones in the biliary tract, hyper  and serious nutritional disorders, with different vitamin deficiency. Research also show that approximately 40% of patients will suffer from postoperative complications.


Obesity has become more common and increasingly. This phenomenon involves many injuries, in the quality of life and the average age of a person who suffers from obesity. Today, there are many ways to treat obesity and weight loss, the basic principle on which these methods in the treatment of obesity, is to follow a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise and a healthy diet and balanced. Can, in extreme cases, the use of medication or surgery, but it is advisable not to put the access needed to do these procedures for the treatment of obesity.