Obesity has turned obesity in these days of a problem for some people to the disease era so that some of the
studies I pointed out that the proportion of deaths due to obesity approaching the proportion of deaths due to smoking and expected to increase in the near future due to the spread of the reasons for obesity is fast and Tasalha in behavioral habits and dietary individuals and communities and advertising campaigns the huge cost millions of dollars to encourage people to huge consumption and without thinking. When we talk about obesity in defined simple is exceeded normal rate of body fat person is considered obese when his weight is greater than the weight of normal by 20% and best gauge for measuring obesity is a measure of body mass index or short BMI uses standard equation dividing weight by the square of height and multiply the result by 100 if the ratio was 30 or higher, the person suffering from obesity But if it reached 40, the person suffering from obesity either figure was what between 18.5 and 24.29, this is how a healthy weight.
Reasons for obesity
Of the most common causes of obesity when a person deals with more calories than most people burn gotta eat frequently, lack of activity and movement leads to obesity, but this is not the only reason there other reasons for obesity
The larger the person in the Age lack of ability of the body to do the transformation of food metabolism of food and thus less need for calories to maintain body weight and this explains that some people eat the same amount of food without change and do the same activity as in the twenties completely, but in the forties began to suffer with weight gain,
Tends women to be overweight than men because men have a metabolic rate at rest (fat burning rate) higher than women so men need to calories more to keep the weight in addition to that women have a lower rate of feed conversion after an interruption Tmt and Montma start ladies in the acquisition of weight.
Of the causes of obesity genes has been observed that obesity and thinness tends to spread in certain families, we find that members of this family or that all of them suffered from thin or obese due to genetics.
Environmental factors
Can not overlook the role of environmental factors as a cause of obesity causes a person's environment plays an important role in determining the life style and extent of the activity that is doing and the quality of the food intake we note that obesity and overweight in much larger cities from the countryside or the Bedouins in the desert, for example.
Physical activities
Observed in the last decade that the lack of physical activity and exercise cause weakness of the causes of obesity and its spread around the world because of the great technological development and tendency of most people to use cars - elevators - escalators - remote control, etc..
Psychological factors
Of the causes of obesity rising because dietary habits influenced by a great emotion and Aaltaly obesity often be the response of individuals eating large quantities direct response and quick to test the feelings such as sadness - joy - Depression - boredom, but some of them are infected by a state of gluttony does not feel during quantities food eaten or controlled.
The cause of the common causes of obesity least there are some diseases that affect the balance of hormones and lead to obesity.
Medical treatments
Taking certain medications, medical sometimes leads to weight gain and obesity, such as cortisone steroids compounds some antidepressants.
The psychological impact of the person who suffers from obesity, much larger than the impact of physical person Chubby suffered severely looked at the others and their prejudices on him and his ability to work and also exposed to mockery continuous and a lot of harassment from the other two often we find children are obese in childhood are exposed to abuse of their colleagues in the school and also means a person of concern for the chubby shape, appearance, and not being able to wear whatever he wants from clothes and keep up with fashion, especially among women whose appearance is of great importance to them.
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studies I pointed out that the proportion of deaths due to obesity approaching the proportion of deaths due to smoking and expected to increase in the near future due to the spread of the reasons for obesity is fast and Tasalha in behavioral habits and dietary individuals and communities and advertising campaigns the huge cost millions of dollars to encourage people to huge consumption and without thinking. When we talk about obesity in defined simple is exceeded normal rate of body fat person is considered obese when his weight is greater than the weight of normal by 20% and best gauge for measuring obesity is a measure of body mass index or short BMI uses standard equation dividing weight by the square of height and multiply the result by 100 if the ratio was 30 or higher, the person suffering from obesity But if it reached 40, the person suffering from obesity either figure was what between 18.5 and 24.29, this is how a healthy weight.
Reasons for obesity
Of the most common causes of obesity when a person deals with more calories than most people burn gotta eat frequently, lack of activity and movement leads to obesity, but this is not the only reason there other reasons for obesity
The larger the person in the Age lack of ability of the body to do the transformation of food metabolism of food and thus less need for calories to maintain body weight and this explains that some people eat the same amount of food without change and do the same activity as in the twenties completely, but in the forties began to suffer with weight gain,
Tends women to be overweight than men because men have a metabolic rate at rest (fat burning rate) higher than women so men need to calories more to keep the weight in addition to that women have a lower rate of feed conversion after an interruption Tmt and Montma start ladies in the acquisition of weight.
Of the causes of obesity genes has been observed that obesity and thinness tends to spread in certain families, we find that members of this family or that all of them suffered from thin or obese due to genetics.
Environmental factors
Can not overlook the role of environmental factors as a cause of obesity causes a person's environment plays an important role in determining the life style and extent of the activity that is doing and the quality of the food intake we note that obesity and overweight in much larger cities from the countryside or the Bedouins in the desert, for example.
Physical activities
Observed in the last decade that the lack of physical activity and exercise cause weakness of the causes of obesity and its spread around the world because of the great technological development and tendency of most people to use cars - elevators - escalators - remote control, etc..
Psychological factors
Of the causes of obesity rising because dietary habits influenced by a great emotion and Aaltaly obesity often be the response of individuals eating large quantities direct response and quick to test the feelings such as sadness - joy - Depression - boredom, but some of them are infected by a state of gluttony does not feel during quantities food eaten or controlled.
The cause of the common causes of obesity least there are some diseases that affect the balance of hormones and lead to obesity.
Medical treatments
Taking certain medications, medical sometimes leads to weight gain and obesity, such as cortisone steroids compounds some antidepressants.
The psychological impact of the person who suffers from obesity, much larger than the impact of physical person Chubby suffered severely looked at the others and their prejudices on him and his ability to work and also exposed to mockery continuous and a lot of harassment from the other two often we find children are obese in childhood are exposed to abuse of their colleagues in the school and also means a person of concern for the chubby shape, appearance, and not being able to wear whatever he wants from clothes and keep up with fashion, especially among women whose appearance is of great importance to them.
To continue diet diet of fruits way to lose weight fast
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